Are you looking for crossword puzzles? Word searches? Sudoku?
You found the right place to supply all of your needs!

   We supply companies and groups crossword puzzles, find-a-words, cryptics, Sudokus and more! Some are used for inter-departmental group functions, special meetings, family picnics and reunions, monthly or quarterly newsletters and more! Whatever the function or special occasion, we can provide the fun and entertainment!

Puzzle rates & availability
Availability - 24 hour turnaround on most projects.
Delivery methods - Your choice: PDF file, PDF image, text file, Word file, image file (BMP, TIF, PNG, JPG, GIF, WMF, EMF), EPS files, XML formats, or even interactive web puzzles (3 files - HTML, XML & Java).
Sizing - Crosswords, Word Search, Cryptics and Freeforms are generally 11x11 through 25x25 and Sudoku is generally 9x9. Custom sizes are available for all puzzle formats.
Custom shapes - We currently have 47 custom shapes for Crosswords!
Themed word lists - We currently have 85 themed word lists!
Custom word lists - Want to use your own word and/or phrase list? No problem! Simply send us the info you would like included!
Rates & Pricing
Crosswords & Cryptics $7 each       Freeforms, Word Finds & Sudokus $5 each
Interactive Web Puzzle - $5 in addition to above, files can be emailed to you for direct upload
Custom sizes - No extra charge       Themed word list - No extra charge
Custom word list - No extra charge if supplied by you, $5 if you have us do the research
Custom shapes (crosswords, freeforms & word finds only) - No extra charge if using one from our list, $25 if we build one for you
Sudokus - Specify numbers only or numbers and letters, no extra charge.
Background images - Background images will work on some puzzle formats. No extra charge, no guarantee until we try yours!

Yearly subscription rates
Crosswords & Cryptics Monthly $72 per year, Quarterly $22 per year
Freeforms, Word Finds & Sudokus Monthly $52 per year, Quarterly $16 per year

Puzzle Samples | Custom shapes | Themed word lists | Rates & Prices | Order Form | Contact us!